Tuesday, January 23, 2007

This is a mosaic of a Resplendent Quetzal bird (thanks RK for that detail). I found it in a book of Birds of the World and it turns out this an extremely rare South American bird. Now I know.

Rainbow trout

So this is my latest and greatest triumph! It is difficult to photograph as the surface is so sparkly, thus the double photo. It took over a year to complete but it's the one piece that really taught me some technique and I got into some different materials. The surrounding water material is all stained glass rather than the italian glass tile the fish is composed of. I also gilded the edge, not as easy as it looked so I learned! I am happy to be done with it and yet anxious to start another one!

Black Peacock

This is dark sibling to the blue peacock, so officially it's my second complete mosaic! The feathers were made from the same mold but I went with a darker scheme according to the tones of the glazes, I think this one turned out more jewel like. People tend to like this one better although I consider the tiles in the blue one to be superior quality.


This was the first mosaic I completed. The bird sections are hand made ceramic tiles, the tail feathers were formed in a mold I made. The surrounding pieces are blue river stones.Updated image now! I finally photographed it almost properly